Elex Media Komputindo - VALUE YOUR LIFE: Release Your Invisible Burdens and Live to the Fullest karya Onggy Hianata

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VALUE YOUR LIFE: Release Your Invisible Burdens and Live to the Fullest

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Onggy Hianata, dari keluarga besar di Tarakan, menghadapi berbagai rintangan namun tetap fokus pada mimpi. Dari bebas finansial hingga mendirikan komunitas global dengan pelatihan revolusioner. Dengan pengalaman hidup yang menginspirasi, Onggy Hianata membuktikan bahwa tidak ada yang tak mungkin. Bergabunglah dalam perubahan sosial dan pengembangan diri bersama komunitas yang telah memecahkan lima Rekor Dunia Guinness.

Sampul Belakang:

Onggy Hianata was born in Tarakan . The eight child of nine, he didn`t go to school to third grade due to the political situation as well as his family`s financial condition. Onggy was aware of the financial challenges his parents were facing, so he started helping out at young age.

Onggy`s life experiences were full of twists and turns. He had many setback but he never gave up. Instead, he stayed focus on his dreams. In 2001, Onggy became financial free, so he began educating others in character, mindset, leadership and spiritual matters.

In 2003, he established Global Edunet with Value Your Life--A Life Changing Bootcamp, a revolutionary training that has helped thousands og people more than 70 countries of 5 continents. Focused on personal development and social change, this community has also broken five Guiness World Records.

In 2017, Onggy`s life story was made into a widescreen featured-length movie titled Terbang Menembus Langit--Fly Beyond the Sky.

Komentar Penyunting:

In 2017, Onggy`s life story was made into a widescreen featured-length movie titled Terbang Menembus Langit--Fly Beyond the Sky.







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