Daftar Produk Bertagar 'bukupuisi' (6)
Membaca Kepedihan
Danau itu mengemas kepedihanmu riak risau tawamu lemau tatapmu yang jauh "dan tak pernah kembali serta satu dua langit jatuh merisak malam-malam tenang menyuruk silam kenangan kekal lekap [...]
Something to Remember Me By
You know what? I am very grateful of the fact that among the hundred thousand people that I have come across, one of them was you; A long-lost dream I had been wanting so bad to come [...]
Beautiful Uncertainties
Life is an upended roller coaster ride of feelings and emotions. The ride will dip in desperation or maybe anger, curve in confusion, dash in hope and love, get higher in passion, and come [...]
About Us
Buku ini bukan tentang dirimu. Buku ini juga bukan tentang diriku. Buku ini adalah tentang diri kita. Berisikan kalimat-kalimat indah untuk menginspirasi pasangan yang sedang dimabuk [...]
Sadness & Other Things
bad thoughts and intrusive nightmares scary aimless future and unprogressive present things that drown me but leave no mark on my surface a collection of sadness buried underneath smiley [...]
A Poem in My Mind
I woke up in the middle of the night. Not because of your scream. But because of your silence.