Daftar Produk Bertagar 'raissaalmira' (3)

sampul depan Keep Going: A Collection of Self Love Poems tidak tersedia.

Keep Going: A Collection of Self Love Poems

No need to ever question it. Since its always been your choice, Its never their place to make a noise. Keep going.

Raissa Almira

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sampul depan A Thousand Words for You (HC) tidak tersedia.

A Thousand Words for You (HC)

It`s raining here, how is it there? I hope the universe delivers my prayers to you, I hope they jump over barriers to get to you, I hope they cross the oceans to reach you, I hope they [...]

Raissa Almira

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sampul depan Something to Remember Me By tidak tersedia.

Something to Remember Me By

You know what? I am very grateful of the fact that among the hundred thousand people that I have come across, one of them was you; A long-lost dream I had been wanting so bad to come [...]

Raissa Almira

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