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31 Guys 31 Lessons
Sampul Belakang:
This book contains 31 lessons from 31 boys based on writers experience . Some of stories may represent some of your personal experience with boys and others may not. But that is not the point. The point is, boys are unique, you are unique, people are unique. So if you wish to keep your life happy, don`t try to standardize or generalize guys, particularly your boyfriends. Life is full of lessons and learning. We should never stop learning from our life experiences. Some tears, happiness, good guys, bad guys come to our life to share a meaning to us. This book will be a simple reminder for all female friends, to love yourselves more, to appreciate life, and to feel happier (single or not single). Whenever you or your best friends feel down, hopefully, this book will be able to lift you up, to accompany you to bounce back, and to heal your wounded hearts.