Elex Media Komputindo - Beautiful Uncertainties karya Afifah Rossy Wardhani

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Beautiful Uncertainties

Puisi yang Menggugah Hati

Pernah merasa bingung dengan perasaan sendiri? Puisi dalam kumpulan ini menggambarkan berbagai emosi, dari putus asa hingga harapan, dengan kata-kata yang indah dan memikat. Dapatkan inspirasi dan pemahaman baru tentang perasaan dan emosi manusia. Temukan keindahan dalam ketidakpastian melalui kata-kata yang manis, mendorong, dan memikirkan.

Sampul Belakang:

Life is an upended roller coaster ride of feelings and emotions . The ride will dip in desperation or maybe anger, curve in confusion, dash in hope and love, get higher in passion, and come across many more loops of unexplored senses. Whether a feeling is temporary or long-lasting, words always somehow capture the beauty of its uncertainties, and therefore I write poetries. Human brain can produce so many feelings that sometimes we may find confusing to define, but the tornado of thought we have is always a phenomenon worth sharing, no matter how weird and silly it may sound and poetries can be the medium. This book is a collection of poetries, that is meant to be sweet, encouraging, and thought-provoking.

Komentar Penyunting:

Sweet, encouraging, and thought-provoking phrases about life.

Grace Rosy Situngkir


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